Swim Technique

For ages 5-105

Swim Technique I

Ages 5-105

This class teaches swimmers the basics of all the swim stroke. 


Swim Technique II

Ages 5-105

This class introduces swimmers to a more exercise-based swimming. The knowledge they learned previously can now be used for swimmers to become better and better at the strokes they are doing. Swimmers also learn the “nitty gritty” of all swim strokes, or all the kinks and bolts that help make the stroke the swimmer’s best.


Swim Technique III

Ages 5-105

This class finishes teaching swimmers the the “nitty gritty” of all swim strokes. This class also gives swimmers harder swim exercises than ever before in order to get even more competitive lap timings.


Swim Technique IV

Ages 5-105

This class focuses now on just getting the swimmer to reach their goals and then some. The swimmer in this class practices swimming in order to do better on the 2 key elements that make up a good swimmer — speed and endurance.


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